Meet The Teacher Online with HL Tutoring Services. For adult students learning English as a Foreign Language or for non-native speaking adults wanting to improve their speaking skills.
One participant said,
Thank you for your lessons and your kindness
Many thanks to the wonderful participants who attended the Meet The Teacher Online with HL Tutoring Services in March. It was great to connect with others from Indonesia, Belgium and (closer to home) Scotland! Here are a few highlights. Looking forward to the next one. For adults wanting to practise or improve English as a Foreign Language speaking skills. Thanks again!
Thanks to the lovely participants who joined April’s Meet The Teacher Online with HL Tutoring Services. It was great to see familiar faces once more and to generally chat with each other in English. Participants connected from Iran, Belgium and the U.K. .
I enjoyed the final Meet The Teacher Online 2021 with HL Tutoring Services in May. It was lovely to chat in English. Thanks Sylviane; it was great to find out about Belgium. I hope to see (virtually) everyone who joined in any of the Meet The Teacher Online sessions again in the future. Thanks again!
Are you thinking of getting some English (as a foreign) language lessons? Would you like to connect with other adult English language learners?
Why not meet for a quick chat, ask any questions and find out more about improving your English language skills with HL Tutoring Services?! Practise your speaking, pronunciation and communication skills under the guidance of an independent and experienced British teacher/tutor.
I look forward to meeting you virtually at 12 midday on the first Saturday of the month: 6th February, 6th March, 3rd April and/or 1st May 2021. Book online by selecting English conversation class then Meet the teacher Online for a free ticket. Alternatively check the website for further information on English language learning or ring 07950598030 for further information about this class/other private tuition offered by HL Tutoring Services.
The Format Of Meet The Teacher Online with HL Tutoring Services
Part 1
Sign in
Videos on
Microphones on mute
About HL Tutoring Services
Vocal warm up
Part 2
Videos on
Microphones off until it is your turn to speak
Introduction from participants
Open Forum
Finish 12.30pm (GMT)
Tell other participants who you are and where you come from
Improve pronunciation skills by concentrating on mispronounced words
In a previous Meet The Teacher Online we talked about how not being able to speak English well can cause problems.
For example,
* understanding native speakers
* mispronouncing place names
* convincing others of your ideas
Is there something you would like to talk about? Please share them in the comments.
If you're interested in getting online adult (E.F.L) English language or primary English then ring 07950598030 or check the HL Tutoring Services website for further information. Alternatively you can book private lessons online by selecting either:
After that, choose a suitable date and time.
If you're not sure, you can sign up for a free introductory consultation to discuss your tutoring requirements.
Book with HL Tutoring Services today!
'Lessons are very interesting and informative.'
'I'd recommend your service to other people who want to improve their English'
'She was able to improve my level'
'Helped to improve speaking skills and get rid of common mistakes'