An Autumn treat for you from HL Tutoring Services. Autumn is the perfect time to develop a new skill so why not improve your English speaking skills under the guidance of a qualified and experienced teacher?! You've tried You-tube videos, text books, language apps and watched lots of English speaking programmes and films. Great! If you want to get better at speaking, then you really are going to have to...SPEAK! Let's be honest, talking to others is the best part of language learning. Speak English with Confidence! Sign up to The Online English Conversation Class Today!

Online Autumn English Conversation Class with HL Tutoring Services
6 x 90 minutes
Sign up a month before each course to guarantee a place and get £20 off.
I look forward to meeting you virtually!
CLAIM DISCOUNT COUPON HERE which is only valid for a couple of weeks. Claim one coupon per person only. Enter the coupon code before check out.
If English is your second language then join our small Online English Conversation Class for adults, led by an experienced and fully qualified British teacher, every Thursday evening.
The Autumn 1 course runs every Thursday from September - October, 5.30 - 7pm (GMT).
The Autumn 2 course runs every Thursday from November - December, 5.30 - 7pm (GMT). Contact HL Tutoring Services, ring 07950598030 or book online here today.
Alternatively, sign up for private one to one lessons with HL Tutoring Services, if you can't make the dates or if you prefer individual instruction. Online tuition given. Book today to secure a place!

I look forward to meeting you virtually.
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