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Year 5 and 6 Spelling List

HL Tutoring Services

Pupils should be able to read and spell the following words correctly. The list is taken from the English National Curriculum. Not only must pupils know how to spell the words in a spelling test, it’s also important to spell and use the words accurately during independent writing, for example when writing a story or writing non-fiction.

Year 5 and 6 spellings

Here are some points to consider when developing spelling skills:

Do pupils know the meaning of the word?

Can they use the word correctly in a sentence?

Can they make connections with spellings they already know?

Can they group words with the same spelling pattern together?

Can they generate further examples (of words using the same spelling pattern)?

If spelling is an issue, then don’t ignore it. Pupils should try to read as much as possible. With help and guidance through expert tuition with HL Tutoring Services, spelling can be improved greatly.

Find out more about primary school tuition by contacting HL Tutoring Services or by visiting the website. Alternatively book lessons online. Select either:

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