2024-25 Online 1 hour (1:1) tuition x 4
Block of 4 lessons Sep prices.
Service Description
1:1 lessons in * Primary Education * English as a Foreign Language for adults or * Violin Beginner/Intermediate level Book now to guarantee a place, allocated on a first come, first served basis. That's 4 lessons for £140 All 4 dates must be booked together. (Do not pay for 4 lessons and decide the dates later) * * * Choose the date and time of the first session you'd like. For further sessions select: 'Remaining monthly 1 hr lessons' then '?/4 Already paid' For example for the 2nd session select: 'Remaining monthly 1 hr lessons' '2/4 Already paid' Continue until you have completed 4/4 for all four lessons. Alternatively contact HL Tutoring Services for more information stating which dates you'd like. Reasons to choose the MONTHLY (Block of 4) option * Increased chance of keeping a regular lesson slot *Useful if you’re willing to commit to several lessons in advance * Guarantee a block of four lessons (at least a week before the first lesson in the block) * Some administration and email correspondence (regarding availability) every 4 lessons * Better value for money * All dates must be decided at time of booking *** BEST SELLER OVERALL*** (For cheaper price options see general (1:1) Termly Online Lessons or Explore Pricing Plans For In-Person Tuition).
Cancellation Policy
*** Cancellation Policy HL Tutoring Services reserves the right to charge the client the agreed lesson price if a lesson is cancelled with less than 24 hours of notice or if there are an excessive number of reschedules. One to one lessons can only be rescheduled (within one week of the original lesson date and time) subject to HL Tutoring Services' availability. Group lessons or group classes cannot be rescheduled. Fixed Early Bird courses cannot be rescheduled. Payments are non-refundable. *** Apologies for the American spelling on certain parts of the website. This will be dealt with in due course. Thank you! *** Le prenotazioni chiuderanno 3 giorni prima dell’inizio delle sessioni. Policy di cancellazione: HL Tutoring Services si riserva il diritto di addebitare al cliente il prezzo concordato per le lezioni qualora una lezione venga cancellata con un preavviso inferiore a 24 ore. Le lezioni individuali possono essere programmate solamente in base alla disponibilità di HL Tutoring Services. I corsi o le lezioni di gruppo non possono essere ripianificati. I pagamenti non sono rimborsabili. ***
Contact Details
+ 07950598030
23 Kirkstall Avenue, Leeds, LS5 3DW